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Open Enrollment Playbook

Open enrollment is exhausting.


You spend months preparing for it, selecting benefits providers, pulling together plan documentation, and getting everything ready to maximize your enrollment window.


But then you start sending emails and they don’t get read. You have benefits presentations or meetings where people are unengaged. And you find yourself answering the same questions and having the same meetings, over and over.


Employees express frustration with the whole process, and some even miss deadlines.


But why? Why is OE season so frustrating for employer and employee alike?


Through our primary and secondary research, our team uncovered six common culprits. 


In this new playbook from Flimp, we go over each challenge in detail, and what you need to do to overcome them and have your best open enrollment ever.


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Get Started with a Benefits Guide from Flimp

Prices start at $4,000 and the process takes about 3 weeks. 

Fill out the form below to kick off the process. We’ll get you assigned to an account manager and project manager and setup a discovery call.

The Flimp team is efficient and a pleasure to work with. Most recently, we’ve all worked under some very tight timeframes and Flimp delivered. Our clients love the end product. I highly recommend their services.”

– SVP at a Top 5 Benefits Broker

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