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Why New-Hire Onboarding Matters More Than Ever

Take a step back from the statistics for a moment and put yourself in the shoes of a new employee. If your first days on the job are characterized by disorganization, confusion and frustration, how much longer would you work for that company? Businesses lose value and spend far too many resources replacing disgruntled employees. To be successful in any industry, companies must make their new-hire onboarding efforts count.

new hire onboarding infographic

Take the Next Step with Flimp Communications

New-hire-onboarding programs work best when they’re structured and designed to produce strategic outcomes. Eliminate redundant onboarding processes and employee-orientation meetings with customized explainer videos, video presentations and multimedia communications from Flimp Communications.

Our new-employee-orientation videos, presentations and communications will save you hundreds of hours of wasted time by utilizing on-demand content that professionally explains and tracks what you need new employees to know. Our digital communication solutions, such as digital postcards and portals, are very flexible and can be tailored to meet your organization’s specific needs.

Schedule a demo with us to learn more.

Statistic Sources

• https://www.servicenow.com/content/dam/servicenow-assets/public/en-us/doc-type/resource-center/white-paper/wp-state-of-work-report-2016.pdf
• https://www.hrdive.com/news/workers-say-onboarding-is-often-more-painful-than-a-bad-date/546790/
• https://www.directpathhealth.com/resources/infographics
• https://www.aberdeen.com/hcm-essentials/perfecting-onboarding-funnel
• https://www.gallup.com/workplace/238085/state-american-workplace-report-2017.aspx
• https://www.saplinghr.com/blog/10-employee-onboarding-statistics-you-must-know-in-2019
• https://docs.wixstatic.com/ugd/0cbe87_664f8806dc694bd7b52246c2e0fe41c1.pdf

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