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The Five Ds of Every Open Enrollment Campaign

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive...Dodge? Wait no, those aren't the right five Ds. I guess you'll just have to read more to see the must-have ingredients for your open enrollment campaigns.

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Open Enrollment Campaign Tips

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Employee Benefits Communication

How to Use Behavioral Economics to Guide Employees to Better Open Enrollment Decisions

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Benefits Guides

5 Visualization Tips for Your Employee Benefits Guide

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Employee Benefits Communication

How To: Build a Year-Round Benefits Comms Strategy

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Benefits Decision Support

5 Ways Flimp Decisions Helps You Contain Costs

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Featured Articles

6 Last-Minute Options for Open Enrollment Help

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Change Management

HR and AI: Which Archetype Are You?

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Employee Benefits Communication

3 Unique Career-Boosting Tips for New HR Managers to Get Ahead

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Employee Wellness

How to Make the Business Case for An Employee Wellness Program

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Employee Wellness

Five Free (and High-Impact) Employee Wellness Program Ideas

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Employee Engagement

4 Exceptional Examples of Employee Wellness Initiatives

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Employee Communications

7 Ways to Promote Your Employee Wellness Program

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Featured Articles

3 Virtual Wellness Challenge Ideas for HR Teams

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23 Must-Have Ideas for Your Employee Wellness Program in 2023 (& Beyond)

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Employee Texting

Employee Texting for HR Teams: Doing It the Right Way

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Employee Engagement

Remote Work Mythbusters: Are These WFH Beliefs Fact or Fiction?

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Benefits Decision Support

Benefits Decision Support: The Tool Every HR Team Needs

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Employee Benefits Communication

11 Communications Channels for Educating Employees About Their Benefits

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Featured Articles

How to Make SMART Goals for Employee Onboarding Plans

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Employee Benefits Communication

Best Practices for Creating HR Digital Postcards

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Employee Engagement

New Year’s Resolutions for HR Teams to Keep This Year

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Benefits Decision Support

Using Predictive Analytics to Build Better Benefits Packages

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The Flimp team is efficient and a pleasure to work with. Most recently, we’ve all worked under some very tight timeframes and Flimp delivered. Our clients love the end product. I highly recommend their services.”

– SVP at a Top 5 Benefits Broker

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